KYUSOKU BIHAKU aka KB whitening pills

JEALOUS with Japanese/ Korean white skin ? 

Can we help you ?
With WHAT ?
Jeng Jeng Jeng..


 2nd batch otw to arrive.
3rd batch will open soon!

RM 130 each 

click here to order

RM 150 *sold 

BFAD FR. NO.  51169
100 % HALAL

What makes KB speacial ?

Photobucket whitens skin
Photobucket makes skin radiant
Photobucket anti oxidant
Photobucketimmune booster
Photobucketradiation booster
 Photobucket prevents pimples, acne and other skin diseases

KYUSOKU BIHAKU L-Glutathione 500mg plus NAC and Pure Rosehips Vitamin C has cutting edge formulation to give you what you always wanted from glutathione supplementation. This unique formulation is the first and only oral glutathione supplement to increase the body's efficiency to absorb and produce glutathione
With this KB pack, we guarantee that you'll get better, faster results.
There are different oral glutathione supplements endorsed by specialists and moviestars being sold today. But how can you be sure these supplements are as effective as they say?

You see, the body doesn't absorb glutathione effectively when taken orally.
Glutathione is a tri-peptide thiol consisting of three amino acids - Cysteine, Glutamic acid and Glycine...
When taken orally, l-cysteine loses 85% of its sulfur and sulfuhydryl groups during digestion. And sulfur is an active component of glutathione. If sulfur is depleted, less than half of the supplemental glutathione is absorbed by the body.

Other glutathione supplements say they're formulated with alpha lipoic acid or ALA. They claim ALA is supposed to be a glutathione booster.
But ALA is another form of an unstable amino acid that loses much of its sulfur too. So it's practically useless as a glutathione booster.
To maximize the whitening and rejuvenating effects of glutathione, you need a different kind of glutathione booster...
A glutathione booster that's also a powerful antioxidant by itself...
And it's called NAC or N-Acethyl L-Cysteine.
Studies show that the amino acid NAC has the ability to retain most of its sulfur components. And that means, with enough sulfur retained - NAC can maximize the whitening and rejuvenating effects of glutathione.

And in the market today, only one BFAD-approved oral glutathione product comes formulated with NAC.
Kyusoku Bihaku is formulated with the optimm dose of NAC that not only boosts the glutathione levels in the body but also makes up for the glutathione components lost during digestion.
Kyusoku Bihaku works best with Pure Rosehips Vitamin C. That's because Pure Rosehips Vitamin C contains 10-100 times more vitamin C than any other kind of food.
Together, Kyusoku Bihaku with Pure Rosehips Vitamin C will give you whiter and younger looking skin faster and more effectively than other oral glutathione products.
Kyusoku Bihaku does not contain rice bran, cornstarch, yeast, soy, artificial color, flavoring or any other extender unlike other oral glutathione products.





after 1 month 

after 3 months 

im very satisfied with the result. 

the first and the only effective glutathione. try it and see for yourself! you wont regret,trust me
KB number 1! 
tested and proven :)
Mike - Manila, Philippines

i love this product..
Kim - Manila, Philippines

i used to take so many kinds of beauty products.
only KB really works. even my skin allergy was gone.
Clara - Owner Shop

you must try it to see the results..
you wont regret it. proven to be effective and safe

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